Flamegate - 213 Late Summer by Greenbane

Map Description:

Keshaninod. A glorious fortress consumed by violent riots and intense civil unrest. These map shots were taken once (most of) the screaming and moaning had died out.

The survivors were either insane, close to losing their minds or economically useless. Thus, Flamegate had no future, and had to be be abandoned.

Point of Interest: Gatehouse

The main gatehouse, unfortunately without its bauxite bridge. Enemies would be guided down the stairway in the center of that 3x3 floor area north of it, partly obscured by goblin armour remains.
I had designated a single soldier as 24/7 gatekeeper, given that particular wrestler had reached hero status, but suffered (light grey) brain damage during sparring and couldn't train any further. He was too experienced to return to civilian life, so, besides send him charging to his death in the next goblin siege, I couldn't think of any other job for him. - Greenbane

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2011-02-14

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Submitted by: Urist Da Vinci - 2011-02-13 to 260 Early Spring

For some reason, a map "213 late summer", is marked as being related. I didn't post that one, it is someone else's fort.

Submitted by: Vattic - 2011-02-14 to 260 Early Spring

I did something similar when I turned a volcano into a weapon.

My example for comparison

Stacking pumps in the magma pipe works wonders.

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-03/greenbane-Flamegate-region2-213-19341.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
