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Map: TwinkleSparkle the Magical Death-Trap - 256 Dan

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-26

It's less cage traps then the number of invaders out there.

Map: TwinkleSparkle the Magical Death-Trap - 255 Dan

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-20

I think the antmen slayed the forgotten beast.

Map: Bigballs the Fat Hairy Nut-Sack of God - 254 Dan

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

Today I attempted to let the surviving migrants gain entry to the fortress by opening the back door, but as the minotaur attempted to follow them I had one of the bridges raised. The minotaur smashes doors at the same speed as he does migrants. We cannot get out. We cannot get out.

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

After beating around some migrants and goblins alike, the minotaur climbs a lookout platform I hadn't noticed before. This is a wonderful opportunity! I order the beginning of sapping operations to bring down the tower and the minotaur with it, but just as I notice the minotaur has wandered off, some dwarf screws things up and brings down the tower prematurely! I'll have the fool executed once I found out who it is! In the meantime the minotaur appears to have be drowning a goblin ambusher in a nearby pool. And then proceeds to sit in the water for a day or two. He must be having a relaxing bath after all that maiming and killing.

The next day, some of the remaining goblins have found an entrance in the hole in the ground left by the sapping operations. Curses! Well, this is a good chance to see what that Nilocy guy is made off. He beats off the lasher, but sustains major injuries from the pikeman and bravely runs away. Again! The fledgeling crossbowdwarf squad without crossbows sustains heavy losses driving the last goblin off.

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

It appears, not. Sir Nilocy is unable to follow orders and is limping to a barrel of prickle berry ale. Pfah! In my day, no soldier was counted as incapacitated until they couldn't lift their waterskin to drink on their own. We'll see if the little wimp feels up to defending us when that little fleshwound has healed. I conscripted some no-good wankboys into a new crossbowdwarf squad but gearing and arming them is proving challenging with the current burrow restrictions. LASD, the bookkeper dwarf tells me there have to be some crossbows around here somewhere, but no one seems to know where exactly. The giant toad in the meanwhile, has begun to smash the wooden doors to the staircase. Good thing I walled those stairs off. After seeing its path blocked by solid rock, it buggers off.

Just as I was about to lift the alarm, a new group of goblins appears from the bushes, and start slaughtering the remaining livestock. And migrants. My Armok, I heard of some twisted ways some fort commanders show unneeded migrants the door, but no dwarf deserves to be chased down by goblin ambushers. Luckily for most, a minotaur has arrived to bring them a worthy death.

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

Atír Becorkûbuk, Ghostly Weaver has risen and is haunting the fortress! Luckily, he's in the dry river bed behind the door I had installed. He turned out to be the first of many.

As the goblin's giant toad began chewing at the carpeter's shack's door, I began removing the stairs to the surface and wall the area off. I didn't feel confident about the strength of those wooden doors at all. Wood, pfah! What sensible dwarf ever trusted his life to wooden doors?

But what is this? The goblins must have been getting more hungry than the dwarves they were besieging and ran off! They left the giant toad and his crossbowgoblin behind guarding the old fortress entrance. I wonder if Brave Sir Nilocy is feeling up to the task.

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

It appears a dam made out of ice is holding back the river, providing a possible entry point for the invaders. An extra door should buy us some time to wall it off, should the goblins find their way down.

I ordered the food lying dangerously close to the fortress exit by hauled down to an empty room near the main dining hall. Then I led the miners to a vigorous effort to increase the size of that room, so to make room for all the food. This should make the dwarves a little safer, should the wooden doors fall.

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

It appears in their haste to flee the attacking goblins, the dwarves of the town left some masterwork items ready for trade lying outside in the bins. Among which a schist mug called "Thunderedsteam the Sad Swords" and a gabbro crown called "Silvercreeds". Next to these lies dying the swordsman Ber Nomalrulush. He is mildly unhappy about long patrols but very happy about the legendary dining room. Lying dying in the rain while goblins pillage his town does not come to his mind at the moment.

It appears the mayor is holding a meeting with the trade liason just below the wooden doors holding back the goblin horde. He does not seem concerned one bit.

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

After a quick survey it appears my fortress is besieged by goblins and our army has been destroyed. It's clear this dire situation calls for the great Benzene's capable leadership. Good thing the giant eagle leadership deployment service is active in these parts.

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Submitted by: Benzene - 2011-03-06

Today I, the great Benzene, assume control of the fortress town Etägbiban Erbistökishlumfat Nòm. Odd name, let's see what it brings.

Map: The Death of Glacier-y - 1067 benselb

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Submitted by: benselb - 2008-07-15

Very late, but added in case someone else runs into this map: what happened was that I hit the demon pits (which are past the magma, covered in miasma); the smoke is from a creature that was flinging fireballs at everything. The fort did indeed have a full population just before it died; those that weren't killed outright (the military did manage to kill all of the monsters) grabbed flaming corpses, went crazy, or died crossing the bridge (which is partly rebuilt in this shot) while crazy dwarves were tearing it down.

Map: Daubcanyon - 1051 Hamelin

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Submitted by: Benitosimies - 2008-03-09

re: the Dead Mechanic

It helps to build a lever first, and put it at least 4 tiles on the side you want him to close the door from, then link it to the flood gate, then have someone pull it when he gets out of there. Alternatively you could figure out something with pressure plates.

Map: Knightstar - 1054 EatingYourSoul

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Submitted by: Benitosimies - 2008-03-08

Maybe it's only because I'm new but I'm vastly impressed with this. You should put it on a T-Shirt.

PS The barbican thing with arrow slits by the drawbridge is a nice touch.

Map: world_map - 1050 Ben7el

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Submitted by: Ben - 2007-10-30

I forgot to put a name into thing, I don't know how to delete this one and repost it.

Map: Bagsnbbuzong - 1050 Ben7el

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Submitted by: Ben7el - 2007-08-02

I would think so, I am pretty sure you can move through mountains, but not the peaks.

I will inforn you if it is/isn't possible when I try

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