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Map: Pagedslipped - 231 sphal

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Submitted by: Sinergistic2 - 2010-07-14

You should really add some points of interest.

I would like to see the suspended tax collector you mention in year 234

Map: Channelnarrow - 1054 Sunder

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Submitted by: Sinergistic2 - 2010-07-12

Nice magma flood :D

Also, I like your magma well, I think I'm gonna steal that for a future fort or two. >:)

Map: Boltclutched - 1060 Onyx3173

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Submitted by: Sinergistic2 - 2010-07-05

Re: Grr and Grr2: Have you tried dumping them? 'k' over the rock, highlight it with the numpad '-' and '+' keys, and then 'd'ump it. If you've done this already, you may need to investigate your 'o'rders, and see if dwarves collect refuse etc from outside. There may be an order preventing them from dumping stuff that is outside.

Also, the rock might be forbidden. Try 'd'esignating a 'b'ulk command, and then reclaim them with 'c' by clicking the rocks with your mouse. Alt: 'k' over the rock, highlight it, and press 'f' if it's forbidden, which should unforbid it.

[Message edited on 2010/07/05 at 10:09 by Sinergistic2]

Edit again: Pumps take 10 power each, so 25 will take 250 power + whatever you use to transfer the power from the windmill to the pumpstack. Gears take 5 power and axles take 1 power per tile.

[Message edited on 2010/07/05 at 10:13 by Sinergistic2]

Map: Minedprison - 502 Sinergistic2

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Submitted by: Sinergistic2 - 2010-07-05

Thanks :D Might I inquire about a PW reset for Sinergistic? It's been way to long since I visited, and I do not remember my old PW. If it isn't possible without a lot of hassle, don't worry about it.

In other news: THE FB GOT IN SOMEHOW :((( I'm guessing it came up through the well? Anyway, it didn't last long. A mother beat it up, and a miner came along and finished it off with a pick to the brain. The only wound is a missing right hand :(

Map: Beandagger - 429 Noble Digger

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Submitted by: Sinergistic' - 2010-07-02

Um, ok?

Please, bestow upon us your worldly knowledge concerning all things tilesets.

I, personally, quite like the pttg set, thank you very much.

Map: Beandagger - 425 Noble Digger

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Submitted by: Sinergistic' - 2010-06-30

What is with all of the grates all over the place? Flood protection?

Map: Murderhowls - 1058 Mike Prosser

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Submitted by: Sinergistic` - 2010-06-28

Epic write up!

Map: SparkgearXI - 1057 Demonic Spoon

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Submitted by: Sinergistic2 - 2010-06-21

WHOAH that is a LOT of bodies. I mean... I saw the stuff in the corner, and I was like "yeah, that is a lot of death for a fort", then I started moving the camera around... wow. How do you end up with that many deaths in the first place?

Map: steve moraffs dungeon of the unforfgiven - 79 steve moraffs ghoast; millionaire cosmonaut

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-10-22

Now there's an idea...

Dig out a message (spam) on a DF map and upload it!

Although the audience would be pitifully small for the amount of work it would take...

Map: Frostywheel - 255 mattmoss

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-10-15

Ramps are ok for small projects, but mass designating ramps can lead to huge slowdowns (at least for me).

I get maxFPS with huge designations of normal digging, but when I designate the same area with ramps, my game starts crawling along at 10-20 fps (down from a couple hundred), and starts getting even slower as more ramps get dug out.

The absolute FASTEST way I've figured out for clearing large areas of rock is digging it all out, channeling around the edges of all the layers (avoids potentially leaving a ring of floors attached to walls that are a pain to remove), and then collapsing the very top layer down.

Be sure to do it in small chunks, otherwise DF will lock up for several minutes (~15 in one case) while it crunches numbers.

Map: Wrungtowers - 230 Momaw

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-10-15

Going to agree with markavian and say the themed workshops are neat. May nick that idea and incorporate into my 'house rules'.

# All mason workshops must be made of the material they are working with.

Map: Veleshtân - 13 Kogan Loloklam

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-10-13

There is an airlock, you can very clearly see a bridge next to the trade depot.

Besides, airlocks are wussies, 'open 24/7' forts are the best! (read: fun)

Map: Logo - Muckgrotto - 108 Logo

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-10-11

Oooh, very nice.

To bad about the water flowing in from the fortifications. Having a huge waterfall around that central tower would have been epic.

You could probably still do it, you would just need an intricate setup of pumps to remove excess water and pump it back up to the aquifer level. Would kill your FPS though.

Map: Woundmerchants - 222 Lux782

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-04-08

I like the way you've ignored common fort building 'practices' and gone straight to the very bottom of the map, and expanded horizontally, rather than vertically.

The way you've built your bedrooms (little 'clusters' inside of a huge rectangle) has given me the beginnings of an idea.

You really ought to get some water down there, and irrigate a patch of land. It would fit better with your current 'everything on one level' layout.

On the whole, a very nice fort ^^

Map: Torchgear - 116 Depthseeker

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Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-04-06

Instead of using 'cheap' flooring to reach the unsmoothed areas of your magma forge, use bridges. They are built faster (generally), cost less stone, and the stone they do cost is recoverable. Speaking of recoverable, they are a bajillion times easier to deconstruct that floors. Deconstructing floors is a pain the ass, as I'm sure you know. Bridges are so damn quick.

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