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Map: Darkhelm - 343 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-07-09

The statue garden was removed a couple years ago, forgot to update the points of interest.

Map: Darkhelm - 317 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-06-27

It's a giant eagle. Elves brought me a breeding pair and now I have hundreds. They make for great bone bolts.

Yeah, I'm at least trying to keep 7x7-1 since it's nice to have a few constraints.

Also the sand block disapeared because of how weirdly DF stores it's materials. Once it dropped 1 level it became sand cover alumite. most annoying.

Map: Darkhelm - 323 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-19

It's 6x8 local area squares. I liked the layout because it's sort of a box canyon in a desert. I'm getting 20-50 fps depending on what my dwarves are doing, though typically 35fps most of the time.

Map: Darkhelm - 309 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-16

Already thought of that. That sandblock is considered to be original rock, so everything under it is considered inside and underground. Only under that 27x27 area though, which is why the tree farm was placed there. I don't mind since it means my dwarves won't get cave adaptation easily.

Map: Darkhelm - 315 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-10

For three reasons:

The giant obsidian cube is just the first project for this map. Eventually I'll need to continue pumping the magma to create a bunch of giant statues near the valley entrance.

I plan on emptying the vent and then building an intake system directly inside the middle of the vent. I also want to dig it out so that it's more uniform and circular.

Finally, as the system is, pumping out the magma is in spurts of 3/7 or 2/7. The mold is very large and such a low flow would result in a lot of evaporation. With storage tank I can pressurize it to have 7/7 magma being pumped out since the magma will fall directly down when a 7/7 square is pumped out.

Though, I'll admit that I do tend to over-engineer things.

Map: Darkhelm - 309 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2009-03-05

Fort Darkstone was my trial run at making a giant obsidian cube. To test the theory if it was possible. This one will eventually have a giant poured obsidian cube in the middle of the map.

The levers are to control the flow of water, to allow the pipes to be used as either a sewer or a feed line, depending on the need. Also, sections which are connected to water filled areas will have floodgates in place as a precaution.

Map: Tombsfind - 1058 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-27

The value of the fort is at 15 million. Sadly this fort is now gone because my computer crashed taking this savegame with it.

I think one of the more interesting features of the fort was that every table, chair, door, window, whatever had an iron decoration and 3-4 bone decorations. Made for rather interesting furniture.

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-26

Ah. Brass block bridges for the yellow "warning, falling hazard" which would be around the chasm squares.

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-26

The fort population as of the this screenshot is 201. Half the fort is in the military, about 40 are workers/haulers, 30 or so children, and remainder are useless nobles.

Oh, there are 3 major reasons actually. Strange mood isolation and decoration that you mentioned, and specific material selection.

1) Strange mood isolation, since I train every dwarf to talented axe/wrestling and they're all carrying axes because the woodcutter duty is activated on everyone, it makes berserk dwarves very dangerous. This is why every workshop is usually placed in a 3x3 room that can be locked. I also feel it looks nicer if the shops are treated as real "shops".

2) Decoration, keeping the workshop and dwarf away from other materials and items than the ones to be decorated. Unfortunately I didn't plan ahead enough, there's not enough stockpiles in the fort proper to do this. Consider the massive bone stockpile in the north tree farm. About half the suits of armor in the fort are decorated with bone (plus bronze and silver).

3) The one I consider sort of important when it's rock and wood related, all the forts barrels are made out of mahogany, the beds are also mahogany, while the bins are all cedar. The statues, tables, and chairs are all marble, while the coffins are all obsidian. Just personal preference really, but I like the uniformity.

Map: Tombsfind - 1057 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-20

Actually, I use a combination of DeepQuantas and Dystopian Rhetoric. DeepQuantas has has great dwarf/elf sprites while Dystopian Rhetoric is the most complete.

I use granite.exe pretty much exclusively, a smoothed out gem/ore square will be a funny colour, but that colour will go away after you double detail it. mud.exe is for when I don't want an area to look like a clown exploded onto the walls. Digging walls out to get one or two gems would be far more effort than it's worth. I'm way too lazy at this point (I tried it in the last fort, results in revealed map squares, meh, just smooth and forget now)

Map: Tombsfind - 1056 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-18

Sort of, I've moved on to using non crafting skills to train, like herbalism, brewing, woodcutting, armor/shield user (but only proficient in every weapon skill, I call them "milita"), and training those dwarves up to regular in metalsmith through blocks and metal block bridges. This has resulted in 3 fey mood metalsmiths. I do have about 10 or so legendary engravers, but far more variety in legendary dwarves now.

Map: "Geargrip" - 1054 KelFreecanyon

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-14

I've found that to survive a glacier fort, it's best to dig out a huge tree/herbalism area and to dig all the way to the magma fast. You need about 5 jumpstart the magma smelter/steel industry, 3 if you can find some coal (so save 5 logs from your initial wagons). Bring about 15-20 plump helmets and 1 of every meat (for the free barrels), cook the meat, then brew the plump helmets for alcohol. After butchering the mules, you should enough alcohol and prepared meals to last you until year 2. By then a large dug out area around the river should provide enough food with a proficient+ herbalist/plantgatherer.

Barrels can be made out of metal (presumably bronze and brass since they're so common) once you reach the magma.

Map: Daubsling - 1056 GameHat

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-14

There's a utility on the wiki called "mud", it removes mud from a square, turning it back into a rock square. Very useful. (it also turns whitestone/darkstone squares into grey stone squares, so be careful)

Map: Fort Failure - 1058 Madcows

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-10-13

Personally, I'd say a skilled herbalist is more important. You have plenty of space to gather plants with which means plenty of plants to brew then cook. Cooking and brewing can be done by unskilled, in fact, cooking is best done by the unskilled since masterpiece meals are a source of tantrums.

I usually set one dwarf, usually a proficient metalsmith, to plant gathering (and only that) at the beginning, an other dwarf cuts down trees for the carpenter to make barrels out of, and a third brews/cooks. None of them are skilled at the start, but should be legendary by year's end. Using this method, with 4 proficient metalsmiths (crafter, metalsmith, armorsmith, weaponsmith) you end up with a legendary herbalist/smith, legendary woodcutter/smith, legendary brewer/smith, legendary carpenter/smith. It also provides several thousand in alcohol and prepared meals, limited only by your barrel production and size of internal treefarm.

Map: Steeltomb - 1075 Veryinky

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Submitted by: Veryinky - 2007-09-24

This is 5-6 years in, started in 1071. The key to the speed in construction of my forts is specialization and training of dwarves. Miners only have the miner job, herbalism, wood cutting, stone crafting, stone detailing... dwarves become legendary in something before being put into the pool of haulers. I also put every dwarf into the military for about a year or two until they become at least proficient wrestlers, axedwarves, and hammerers (and legendary armor/shield users). Makes them a lot tougher, faster, and stronger than the average dwarf. I also make every dwarf produce at least one weapon or shield. So if they fey, there's always a chance they'll become a legendary armor/weapon smith. This fort has 2 legendary weaponsmiths, one legendary armorsmiths, and two legendary bowyer. I'm rather happy with that, even though they made stupid named artifacts... "the clear shy spy", a kopak blowgun. Ugh.
[Message edited on 2007/09/24 at 02:48 by Veryinky]

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