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Map: Minedances - 566 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2012-03-08

Future plans would include tunneling down into the second caverns, and then from there into the underworld. That would mean all invaders would have to pass through the underground gatehouse, where they would be easily stabbed to pieced by spike traps, massed crossbow fire, and washed away with magma. The invaders would be trivial to dispatch. Only problems that would arise might be I'm running low on ammo, but thats easy to fix.
There are a lot of stockpile types that can be doubled up and act as overflow if your regular stockpiles are full. I've found that refuse, furniture, and wood stockpiles tend to work well together. They're all bulky items that require big empty rooms to store, and if you're clearing stockpile rooms for one type of item, might as well allow storing of other types of items in there just for the sake of convenience.
I do put a lot of thought into stockpile locations. Dorfs will pick the closest item to decorate only taking X and Y into account, not Y. This means that stockpiles with stuff I want decorated has to be close (X and Y) to the workshops, and stuff I do not want decorated needs to be far away from the workshops. Z levels don't matter in determining which items are decorated.

Map: Bodicespots - 533 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2011-04-19

Remake of

Instead of a moat of fire there shall be a moat of ice! :D

Map: Ashpage - 1033 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2011-02-28

This is a rather half-arsed fort, just sort of got bored before finishing it. Don't even have any bedrooms yet, dwarves just sleep on the floor next to the well outside of the throne room. =D
Those buildings are classrooms where dwarves can practice skills. While its sort of cheaty, in that they can gain experience without consuming any materials, consider the time factor. All of the time they're spending in the classroom is time they're not spending doing other stuff, and so its balanced out.
All of my highly educated dwarves do tend to be unavailable for work for about a decade of in-game time while they finish their education.

Map: Roadhouse - 1077 Samoorai

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-11-23

Looks great! I'm impressed by the huge, empty, vertical shaft leading down to the magma at the bottom.
Do you have a mechanism to drain the magma at the bottom in case you need to recover something that falls into the magma?
Also I would suggest a slightly different entrance design. The trade depot is find where it is, but the farms seem a bit unusually placed. The marksdwarf bunkers are great, leave those but carve fortifications, that way anything trying to invade will be caught in a brutal crossfire. Then have a barracks on the walkway about where the gold bridges are where on duty dwarves can hang out to catch any stealthers.

Map: Axeglided - 1085 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-11-17

Example reaction:

[NAME:prospect iron]

For this to work you'd need to add the [FLUX] token to all rock layers you want to have for prospecting. You could probably do this another way, but I'm lazy, and this method is easy and straightforward.
The reaction there will turn 5 regular mundane rocks, like granite or microcline, into 1 bar of iron at a smelter. You can adjust the type of metal produced and the quantity of rocks required to produce it, depending on what you think is best.

(Reaction typed up from memory, I may be missing a few details but you can get the gist of it! My fortress is on another computer at the moment.)

[Message edited on 2010/11/17 at 06:07 by hyndis]

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-11-12

Created in DF v0.31.16.


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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-11-11

I have invasions turned off at the moment just due to how many haulers I need to get stuff done. Dwarves busy catching spears are not busy hauling things around or building megaprojects.

This fortress had a non-military focus however. My next one is much more militaristic with elaborately designed defenses.

Map: Roadsaviors 1088 - 1088 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-09-02

Err, oops. This is not Roadsaviors. This is the fortress I build after Roadsaviors! D:

Map: Roadsaviors - 1075 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-07-20

Everything in the main fortress is smoothed. The upper areas are engraved before the stairs are dug away to make big, empty, great halls.

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-07-13

Openness 100/100
Passages 0/0
Water 25/25

Its been 25 years after embark and most regions of the cavern have never seen a woodcutter or herbalist. I get so much wood from the traders that I don't need to chop down any trees. The traders are nice enough to bring huge piles of wood to me, and wood is extremely cheap. Just a few trinkets and I can buy out all of the wood from the caravan.

Also I currently have some 1500 barrels, 1500 bins, and about 200 beds made up already. Pretty much no more need for wood anymore, except to make charcoal.

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2010-07-12

Yes, massive amounts of stone mined out. I dumped about half of it into atom smashers, the rest of the stone I use a custom prospecting reaction to get 1 metal bar out of many worthless stones.

Its 5 stone per 1 cheap metal bar (iron, lead, copper, etc), 10 stone per expensive metal (gold and silver), 20 per rare (aluminum and platinum) and 50 for 1 adamantine wafer.

This both eats up the stone and also lets me get metal to work with.

Map: Fairaxe - 312 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2009-12-20

Worldgen info is here:

Map: Snaketributes - 338 hyndis

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2009-12-10

[NAME:melt sand]

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2009-12-03

The really interesting thing is that if you can get wild animals in the pit and drop them, each piece of the exploded wild animal can be butchered separately, which will increase the meat yield from them by 200-300%.

You cannot do this to tame animals. They need to be wild animals, and wild animals will kill other things, so the wild animals would need their own breeding pit. You would likely need to create one pit per species, but if you can pull this off and stock the pits with enough animals it would just be meat on demand.

Build a dozen butcher workshops. When you're low on food pull the lever. Results are tons of bone and meat.

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Submitted by: hyndis - 2009-11-30

Sorry! Haven't check back on here for ages. Been distracted with other games lately, also been waiting for the next release.

I'm really, really eager for the new burrows and squad tactics, along with the expanded underground content.

The fortress was designed for this from the very get go. I even picked the embark area just for this. Water and magma, and a flat area.

I turned off invasions so I could work quietly, and churned out absurdly huge numbers of blocks, using a custom reaction to make obsidian from smelters. If I can I want this to require sand, fuel, and water, but for now its just fuel. The sand and water are implied.

Then I started laying the blocks. Started at the outside first, creating the outer wall that sits against the magma. After that I dug down to create the pump system that moves the magma into the moat. I also paved the entire area around the outside of the wall to the edge of the map so that no trees will get in the way. Trees do not actually burn even though they are surrounded by magma, which means I'd end up with a tree just sitting in the middle of the magma moat, and that would be annoying.

After that, the bridges were raised, pumped turned on, and levers removed from the bridges so they can never be lowered again.

As for the spider webs, I modded my game so that spiders will also appear in magma pipes. And made the fire snakes web immune so the constant miasma wouldn't be a problem. This provides even more sources of silk for a wider range of maps.

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