Bronzelung - 6 Early Winter by Tharis

Map Description:

Now the metalworks have been dug out, and we're waiting for the magma to fill in. Once it does, I can forge a couple more anvils and finish the layout. Bedrooms are done too, following the usual model. Likewise the basic workshops.

First big immigrant wave contained a bunch of clothiers. I'm really not sure what to do with that. Make clothes, I guess.

On one hand, it's easy to use an established pattern. On the other hand, it's a good pattern and infinitely repeatable. Got 30 some odd set up, if I get inspired I could always start a new pattern below.

Current dining room is in the middle of the smelting chamber. I imagine it won't stay there forever.

Missed the trading window. The broker showed up before the wagons, then took a nap before the last one got there. Fortunately, we already have everything we really need here.

Point of Interest: Main Entrance

- Tharis

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2014-05-13

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-05-09 to 6 Early Spring

Wow, what a coolest location!

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-05-09 to 6 Early Spring

I know! I'm terrified to start building.

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-05-11 to 6 Mid Spring

Have you done any explatory mining yet? It's pretty important to know where the gold or iron is, I mean which layer, so you can harmonize the fortress.

[Message edited on 2014/05/11 at 04:55 by ajr_]

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-05-11 to 6 Mid Spring

I've already hit tetrahedrite going straight down the central staircase, and there's hematite visible on the hillside to the NE, and galena directly below the tetrahedrite, so I'll probably start there. Often, with mining, I'll start at one point and then use stairs and ramps to get to everything else from that entrance point.

I could also try to incorporate the mining into the fortress somehow. Haven't really done that. Hmm...

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-05-13 to 6 Early Winter

You've put your dwarves to the test. Did you have six picks or something? I usually take as many picks with me as possible...

I so often hope to get a great jeweler in the immigrants. They can elevate the fortress wealth so greatly even with encrusted stone crafts. Next best thing to me are metalsmiths, then clothiers. You just want to finish as many clothes as possible in a short time later on when the dwarves start to get unhappy thoughts of rotting clothes. I also don't like to set up many clothier's shops.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-05-13 to 6 Early Winter

I think that I've been taking my time a bit more than usual on account of the lack of goblins. I've actually dug out considerably more since this image was taken. Once I got the the forges working (finally!) then I made a few more picks. I think I'm up to five diggers now, which seems a good number. Also, there's a lot of dirt in that first layer or two, which speeds things up.

Ironically, considering your comment, one of the next things I completed was the clothing manufacturing center. I think I'm aiming to make workshop areas built around a common type or resources (wood and stone, cloth and leather, metal and clay and glass, etc.)

I find myself using common themes across forts, like those little circular workshops and the fractal bedroom layout. Hope this doesn't get too monotonous.

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