Brasspulled - 114 Mid Autumn by d

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2014-06-29

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-06-28 to 114 Early Summer

Good, you're enlarging the cattle pens. I think that you need a third one too. The reindeers are great cattle because they survive on little soil, but the yak/water buffalo eats all that's in the current pen alone in time it gets replenished. The horses together eat as much and the donkeys needs a bit less pasture than a horse. It's your choice, you might have to butcher half of your herd soonish. But do like your animal husbandry ideas.

Would be nice to see some brass walls or details somewhere in the future so your fort would live up to its name.

I see that you have done perfectly right with the choice to mass food barrels. You'll need a big Big food storage, if you're waiting to house a major population.

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-06-29 to 114 Mid Autumn

I like the farm.

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