Earthshields - 264 Early Winter by monkeyfetus

Map Description:

This fortress was made with two goals in mind:

Firstly, to make the fortress flow organically with the landscape, instead of a big, ugly, efficient cube like all my previous forts

Secondly, to force traders and invaders alike to meet me on my own terms, inside the fortress itself.

More points of interest will be coming soon. You can see a stonesense tour of the fortress at

Point of Interest: Entrance and Barracks

The grand hall carves a winding path two stories high through Earthshields. Engraved here in the marble walls is the history of the fortress: Images of the founding of Earthshields; of coffins, the symbol of its parent civilization, The Sly Rack; of visiting merchants; and of invading goblins and trolls struck down or knocked from the cliffs to a watery grave.

In the event of a siege, the drawbridge to the left, at the entrance to the housing area, can be pulled up to form a stone wall, denying access to invading forces

To the right, the barracks holds three squads of dwarves training near constantly. Frequent, costly attacks by the goblins mean soldiers rarely reach mastery with their weapons before falling in battle - monkeyfetus

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2014-07-17

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-07-16 to 264 Early Winter

The river quarters are nice.

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-07-17 to 264 Early Winter

The entire thing is very nice, especially the storytelling.

[Message edited on 2014/07/17 at 06:23 by Tharis]

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