Keybanners - 126 Early Summer by Tharis

Map Description:

Still in our first year, and we've built a survival cave for the initial dorfs, also dug out some space for crops.

The dwarves decided to pause for a moment to admire the untrammeled majesty of their mountain home before continuing further.

I have a vague vision of building a ramp-bridge through teh hollowed-out mount leading from the plateau on the east and emerging in the survival cave, but that would take a lot of planning.

Still, it would be dwarfy. Hmm...

Point of Interest: Survival Cave

Bare necessities, baby. The obsidian statue is of a dwarf. - Tharis

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2014-08-08

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Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-08-07 to 126 Early Spring

The sheep obviously is an offering to the god of the sky, have you checked out your civ religion?

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-08-07 to 126 Early Spring

Just wish that Toadyone had simulated thunder

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-08-07 to 126 Early Spring

Is that something you get from legends mode?

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-08-07 to 126 Early Summer

I think it's something you exported when genning the world. There's a notepad file in the root directory called history and populations regionx

Submitted by: Tharis - 2014-08-07 to 126 Early Summer

Ah ha! Thank you!

The Reclusive Fences, Dwarves
Worship List
Kib, deity: minerals, metals, crafts, fortresses, war, chaos
Ertal, deity: wealth
¢k the Mountainous Gold, deity: mountains
Logem, deity: jewels
B†l the Early Youth of Fountains, deity: children
Ud, deity: charity, generosity, lightning
Lam, deity: lust
Stinth„d Jestedjoys, deity: festivals
Shasad Glitterpassions, deity: creation, pregnancy, marriage
Litast, deity: theft, thunder, storms
Golud Bottlegarnishes, deity: family
Ad the Waxy Grove, deity: trees

If I ever make a statue of Litast or Ud. I know exactly where it will go.

[Message edited on 2014/08/07 at 03:30 by Tharis]

Submitted by: ajr_ - 2014-08-08 to 127 Early Spring

A very interesting god list indeed. I think I've never seen that special one before. I like the volcano tunnel road.

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