Desert-City of Glades - 1397 Early Spring by Fleeting Frames

Map Description:

Finally finished updating TWBT+dragonmaster's set to the point where there's little changes I can think to do at this point. Well, I'll figure out some later.

Also visible is the fortress after a year - much progress has been done, though much remains.

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2019-10-29

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2019-10-10 to 1396 Early Spring

How very interesting! I remember attempting this sort of thing back when I used TWBT, for I found multilevel display to be VERY pleasing to view. . however I ran into some issue I can't remember and quickly gave up.

Your forts are always so precisely created - it's unlike any other style of building I've seen. Well done!

Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2019-10-29 to 1396 Early Spring

Thanks! Though I may have overcomplicated the precision, here. I've been somewhat inspired by forts like Smallabbey or keupo's Slingcontrols or Dancingglove.

(Though to creator's eye, it still looks chaotic in large parts to me - other things like the bedrooms and corpses languishing in the sun as I focus on a particular shade of red.)

mapshot was broken for a while, so the only way to do this previously was to manually screenshot and stitch together. Not easy, that. Also, in default twbt distribution, you need to rename mapshot output files to order them for map compressor like twbt would do it, and then ignore its warning on unique tiles.

Viewer Controls


SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.


Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2020-12/fleetingframes-G-region730Regionmanipulated1397multi3-1397-83.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
