Bannercudgels - 1059 Mid Autumn by Shady Amish Terror

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There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2007-11-21

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Submitted by: Markavian` - 2007-11-10 to 1059 Late Summer

Behold! We dwarves hold the keystone, your fate will depend on its continued existance! Should we destroy the keystone, your lives will be destroyed!

Looks like fun :)

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-11-10 to 1059 Mid Autumn

What the hell happened!? I see a lot of dead goblins, but the towers look untouched... ?

Submitted by: Lacero - 2007-11-10 to 1059 Mid Autumn

wow :)

Submitted by: Miles Vorkosigan - 2007-11-10 to 1059 Mid Autumn

If you compare it to the other map, the goblin towers dropped a z-level or two. That is amazing.

Submitted by: Zaratustra - 2007-11-12 to 1059 Mid Autumn


Submitted by: Shady Amish Terror - 2007-11-21 to 1059 Late Summer

You better believe it was fun, but damned if I wasn't happy to move on. This really does take forever.

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: Done-Done-Bannercudgels-region1-1059-26569.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
