The Ageless Bridge - 1053 Late Winter by HisMajestyBOB

Map Description:

My current fort, and my first to hit 50 dwarves. The first immigration wave brought about 8, the second brought 25(!), the third 8, and I'm only at the end of the fort's second year! And no artifacts, except for a Quartzite coffin worth 2500. It may have been all those gems that brought up the wealth.
This fort has quite a lot of gems, iron ores, and coal. I'm still searching for more valuable metals - if I can find copper, I'll be able to make several alloys with what I've found so far.

Point of Interest: Main Gate

This is the main gate, with a bauxite drawbridge, a cinnabar road, and a rainbow portculis that can be raise and lowered as needed. The idea is that my marksdwarves will be stationed in the tower, and if the enemy reaches the bridge, I can allow a small group in and trap them, then pick them off through the bars. - HisMajestyBOB

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-08-11

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Submitted by: Msus - 2008-06-30 to 1053 Late Winter

That is one fine looking fort.

Submitted by: kein - 2008-08-11 to 1054 Early Autumn

I really like your design choices here, I love your room/halls layout. The island look of it is nice, I think the moat would look much nicer if it were thicker. Also think about perhaps some piers outside.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2008-06/hismajestybob-The Ageless Bridge o-region3-1053-37231.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
