Arelzuglar Kenis - 204 Mid Spring by Katsuun

Map Description:

Two years and still going! I lost some dwarves to a goblin ambush last winter, which was more lethal than expected, still, I survived.

The entire area is a mess, as I still am endeavoring to improve it to proper fortress standards.

Point of Interest: Aboveground

This is the area where the majority of my focus is on at this point, and I eventually plan to create a "wildlife preserve" up here. On this floor is my aboveground farm, my fisheries, and my barracks/entry hall complete with trapped entrance and moat. That hall to the upper-left of everything is the entrance to my Trade Depot, separate from the other areas.

That stone and log in the corners of my entrance hall are hiding golden statues.

Further above, we have on the second floor, my archers practice areas and fortifications, and my planned siege engine room. Above that, are the makings of my glass tower. - Katsuun

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2008-08-25

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Submitted by: lambskin - 2008-08-22 to 203 Mid Spring

Alot better than my first fortresses that actually lasted!

Submitted by: Katsuun - 2008-08-22 to 203 Mid Spring


Submitted by: Niaba - 2008-08-25 to 204 Mid Spring

You could dig out the top of the stairwell to avoid making your dorfs cave acclimatised.

Submitted by: Katsuun - 2008-08-25 to 204 Mid Spring

Good idea, but I dont care if they are vomiting or not. I only care if the military does that, which is why the barracks is where it is.

(On a side note, yes I modded that soil to be a sand, since I didn't realize it wasn't a sand at the time.)

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