Bouler Peaceful - 1055 by TerminatorII

Map Description:

This is Boulder Peacefuls 3rd year, and all is well.I nearly had all my dwarves die n years 1-2 due to miss reading my food stores ut everything got sorted out and only lost one (who was previously mauled by a Stegasaur.)

Eventually the moat will have Lava. :) but not yet.

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2007-07-20

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-07-09 to 1055

Wow. It looks like a huge castle with battlements on the outside. Awesome. Shallow? :)

Submitted by: rewolf31 - 2007-07-09 to 1055

that's one b**ching moat.... :o

Submitted by: TerminatorII - 2007-07-09 to 1055

Just haven't gotten built up enough to need to move back further. eventually Ill mine it entirely out.

Submitted by: Anxiety - 2007-07-20 to 1055

I absolutely love the looong bridge across the moat at your entrance.

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