Salvestone - 232 Early Spring by Drone

Point of Interest: Flood trap

( 232 Early Spring → onwards )

Was tested and worked fine. I had to change it though, so that it only flooded up the stairs. This drowned maybe 30 goblins who were sieging, that made the others run away. As there was a large number of bowmans, I couldn't use my chapions to kill them. Also, elite goblin bowman would of shot everyone. - Drone

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-28

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Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-11 to 228 Early Spring

This sounds very interesting to me as there are a lot of ways you could go with this.

Submitted by: Drone - 2008-11-16 - Removed

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-16 to 230 Early Spring

I had no idea water could freeze in the chasm. Looks like I'll need to rethink a strategy for one of my winter forts.

Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2008-11-16 to 230 Early Spring

Build a pool of magma underneath the constructed sections of channel that freeze. ;)

Submitted by: Drone - 2008-11-17 to 230 Early Spring

Yeah, putting magma under it, or casting the actual thing out of magma would cause it not to freeze (I think water only freezes if it is outside or under a construction)

Submitted by: Poocolator - 2008-11-28 to 231 Early Spring

So how come coming across garnierite was fortunate considering the lack of wood? What does garnierite allow you to do?

Submitted by: Drone - 2008-11-28 to 231 Early Spring

It meant I could make bins and barrels out of nickel, rather than the wood I didn't have.

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