Dragonhill - 304 Early Spring by Marzen

Map Description:

Wow, I actually continued this? Almost stopped, really. But, I put a hold on my awesome underwater fort to continue this baby.

Lots happened this year. Goblin ambush, which killed my very inexperienced hunter, unfortunately. However, they were quickly obliterated by my two champions :P.

Nothing else to say. Hopefully I'll get a baron xD? Also, made a few artifacts this year, and started magma forging (YES).

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-03-22

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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-03-21 to 303 Early Spring

above ground magma duct. I've always wanted to use one as a defense mechanism where it would flood my entry way with magma, sadly my last attempt fail on account of me using iron floodgates, and marble mechanisms.

Submitted by: xpCynic - 2009-03-22 to 303 Early Spring

Amazing that it has no effect on the brook. You should've built floodgates in it for easy goblin melting. Build some bridges over it anyway, otherwise things have to walk all the way around it.
The fort itself is nice and compact. Build the wall up so invaders can't just climb the hill and waltz on in, and stick fortifications on the top for marksdwarves.

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