Angelstorm - 210 Mid Spring by WorMzy

Map Description:

Just had a siege of about 30 Goblins. At first I tried to get my Marksdwarves to pick them off from the entrance, but then the Goblins took refuge on the z-level above. Eventually I set my steel plated armoured champions loose, and, well, the Goblins that didn't have the sense to run away ended up as a fine purée.

I lost a few Marksdwarves in the battle, but aside from that I think my fortress did quite well.

Unfortunately, the siege took place while the Elven caravan was at the trade depot. Needless to say, the Elves didn't stand a chance; hopefully the Elven empire won't seek revenge on my fortress for this..

~~~~~Roll Call~~~~~
RIP Sibrek Bubnusrimtar - Hammerdwarf.
RIP Asob Othsinurvad - Champion.
RIP Oddom Emenmeng - Marksdwarf.
RIP Zuntir Rovodshadmal - Marksdwarf.
RIP Rovod Tathtakmedtob - Marksdwarf.

Point of Interest: Warzone

This is where the majority of the carnage took place.

My dwarves came charging out from the Trade depot, and smashed straight into the waiting Goblin hoard. Vucar Thikutgosmer entered a martial trance, and then all hell was let loose. Goblins were flying in all directions, as you can probably tell from the corpses. - WorMzy

There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2009-09-11

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Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2009-03-31 to 209 Mid Spring

Do your people ever complain of noise while sleeping? It looks like the workshops right above the bedrooms would be a bad thing, but I'm just curious...

Submitted by: WorMzy - 2009-03-31 to 209 Mid Spring

Nope, all they complain about is flies and occasionally miasmas; and they get plenty of happy thoughts from eating in the legendary dining room and admiring the "completely sublime tastefully arranged Statue" to counter those. ;)

Submitted by: Phazer - 2009-04-01 to 209 Mid Spring


Gigantic stockpiles you got there.

Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2009-04-01 to 210 Mid Spring

Alright, I got where your dining room is, but where is your awesome statue, and what value is it? Is it right behind the Dining room? And what are the values of the statues around it? I'd love a specific POI with lots of details.

(There is something disturbing about mathematically calculating happiness, but this game makes it alright.)

Submitted by: WorMzy - 2009-04-01 to 210 Mid Spring

Yeah, the statue is behind the dining room. It's just a masterful Dolomite statue, worth 600¤. I've shared the statue PoI from 209. The other statues are mostly lower quality, but some are the same.

In my last fortress I had an artifact statue in the main hallway. Hopefully someone will create one here too.

Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-04-02 to 210 Mid Spring

Those 'fish' look more like vermin to me.

Vermin can teleport.

Submitted by: WorMzy - 2009-04-03 to 210 Mid Spring

Nah, they were definitely fish; there was a char and a couple of brook lamprey if I remember correctly. :)

Submitted by: Tiogshi - 2009-09-11 to 213 Late Autumn

Re: your "ineffective" spikes; to make them extremely potent, hook them up to an automatic alternator like

When the switch throws, the spikes retract. When it throws again, they extend, doing damage to anything on them. With a good, fast repeater, this will ventilate most anything in very short order.

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-04/wormzy-Angelstorm-region1-210-5740.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
