Boltedgirder - 215 Early Autumn by martin

Map Description:

Dwarf Heaven, megaproject underway.

Point of Interest: Entrance

- martin

There are 4 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-03

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Submitted by: Abculatter_2 - 2009-07-10 to 215 Early Autumn

Points of interest?

Submitted by: Balathustrius - 2009-07-13 to 215 Early Autumn

Holy shit. That power plant might be the most impressive contraption I've ever seen.

Submitted by: Tiogshi - 2009-07-13 to 215 Early Autumn

74 of the gears in the power plant could be replaced with axles, and four of the existing E/W axles are overly redundant; you could save 316 power. Also, water pressure takes the shortest path to a tile to fill, so I'm a little worried that the two northmost and two southmost rows in the power plant will lay idle even with water under them.

Just trying to be helpful.

Submitted by: Eagle0600 - 2009-11-03 to 215 Early Autumn

Dwarf on level 10, trapped in water tower.

Also, I must have spent a good ten minutes just looking at the hydro plant. Very good thinking in it's design, you even added drainage. Awesome.

Also, I noted that the water tower is unfinished. What are you going to do with it? Is it going to go all the way to the Yin-Yang on the top?

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