Beerbane - 201 Late Winter by Peterix

Map Description:

Mud, mud everywhere! I've added an alternative route for the brook which can be switched with a single lever. One branch has floodgates, the other one a drawbridge.

There's a small fort for my 9 dwarves dug in the hillside south of the soon-to-be-uncovered magma pipe. All I need is crossbows and bolts ;)

Point of Interest: Temporary fort

( 1 Late Winter → onwards )

Living space for nine dwarves and a growing number of spiders. - Peterix

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-04

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Submitted by: Obsidian - 2009-05-03 to 201 Early Spring

Nice location.

I sense great things from this fort :0

Submitted by: Peterix - 2009-05-04 to 201 Early Spring

I hope so. So far, I managed to cover a big part of it in mud :D

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-05/peterix-Beerbane the Bane of-region12-201-31609.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
