Paddlebraves - 203 Early Winter by Eavan

Map Description:

So far 3 of my dwarves have died, and 3 are resting because of at least yellow wounds. Two harpies attacked us, and that's why.

The reason my dwarves aren't all dead is because of one wonderful camel. That's right. Camel.

My dwarves have named the great Camel after it killed the two harpies (Both of which were named). I like to imagine that he is now worshiped as a prophet of Armok.

This is a castle fortress. Also, I love glass so there will eventually be much of it.

Point of Interest: The Administrator

( 203 Early Winter → 214 Late Winter )

The most useless dwarf in my group, and yet he is the only one who isn't resting or dead. Even though he isn't resting, he spends 90% taking care of those who are, sadly.

This is not a good sign. - Eavan

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-24

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Submitted by: Eavan - 2009-05-24 to 203 Early Winter

Dang, the rest died due to starvation after another harpy killed the leader. The Great Camel then killed it, of course. The others starved.

Submitted by: Barbarossa the Seal God - 2009-05-24 to 203 Early Winter

Reclaim! Reclaim for the CAMEL GOD!

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