Whippedworkers - 519 Mid Spring by Hagh

Map Description:

I keep losing dwarves from failed moods. And goblins. And giant bats. But I keep digging, and overall things are not so bad.

Point of Interest: Waterfall !

( 519 Mid Spring → onwards )

Happy thoughts for everyone ! - Hagh

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2009-06-19

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Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-05-28 to 519 Mid Spring

I really like your fort design, especially the entrance

Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-05-28 to 519 Mid Spring

Looks good, nice integration with the chasm.

Submitted by: Hagh - 2009-06-19 to 519 Mid Spring

In fact, the main entrance was not supposed to cross the chasm. It's a coincidence, and if it's nice now, It also gave me additional troubles (the organization of the excavation of the entrance has really been a complete failure).

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-05/hagh-Whippedworkers-region1-519-4353.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
