Windcourage - 38 Early Spring by AttorneyAtLawl

Map Description:

Here we go, beginning on year four. This is now my longest running fort. Go me!

Beginning work on my Siege Engines and training them up. My military is doing well - Six legendary wrestlers, two Hammerdwarves and two Axedwarves, all fitted entirely in copper plate armor. I also have several War Dogs in my army.

My metal smithing is going amazingly swell. I found a small vein of natural Aluminum, which I produced about 20 goblets out of, five of which were masterwork. I traded two of them to the Dwarven Caravan and got almost everything they had. Go me!

I'm preparing for the first siege, which should be any time now. My population is currently stuck at 69 (har har), so a siege will likely happen after the next immigration wave.

Only three deaths this year! A hunter died from "heat", and two dwarves died of thirst after I sealed up their rooms because they went into a strange mood and didn't claim workshops.

All the draining magma to the left... well, it looks cool. I don't really know why I did that, but I wanted to see if I could get a big magma lake going. It isn't. Oh well.

Point of Interest: Entrance

-- Now with more guards!

Here's the same ol' entrance to my fort, except it's now guarded by 7 full time legendary wrestlers all fully armored in copper plate. Yay!

As you can see, everything outside is (finally) beginning to grow back after the huge Brushfire. - AttorneyAtLawl

There are 8 comments for this map series, last post 2009-05-31

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Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-05-29 to 36 Early Spring

You should deconstruct your wagon: your dwarves will treat it as a meeting area until you do, and keep getting eaten by the carp.

Nice for otherwise, the entrance being in a hill near a bend in the river feels good, for some reason.

Submitted by: Aristoi - 2009-05-29 to 36 Early Spring

I had always heard they would always use the wagon's location (deconstructed or not) as a meeting area unless you designate another.

Submitted by: AttorneyAtLawl - 2009-05-29 to 37 Early Spring

I didn't even think of that, sneakeypete, but it doesn't matter now - the brushfire toasted the wagon and I made the dining room the new meeting area.I never lost more than the first miner to carp, anyway. I guess I just got lucky.

[Message edited on 2009/05/29 at 11:22 by AttorneyAtLawl]

Submitted by: YF-23 - 2009-05-30 to 37 Early Spring

You may want to channel an (empty) moat around the magma to avoid future fires. And if you want to access it later for whatever reason, or if a miner blocks himself during channeling to the side of the magma, you can just build a bridge and have it raised/retracted most of the time.

Submitted by: AttorneyAtLawl - 2009-05-30 to 37 Early Spring

I just forbid the area all around it so nobody, especially hunters, goes near it and causes a Fire Imp to attack again. There isn't anything above it that the dwarves need, except for the red sand right next to it, which I've dug an underground tunnel up to so they don't need to go outside to get it anymore.

It wasn't even the fire that I was all that worried about, it was the dumb dwarves who kept trying to pick up their still flaming dead friends.

Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-05-30 to 38 Early Spring

Oh my. Your volcano appears to be...bleeding.

Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-05-31 to 38 Early Spring

I imagine your hunter would have stepped in the magma.

Submitted by: AttorneyAtLawl - 2009-05-31 to 38 Early Spring

Yes, but I assumed that if he stood in magma, he'd die from burns instead of heat, no?

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