Elderstone - 304 Late Winter by mattmoss

Map Description:

More dwarfs! Up to 51 now. One legendary miner died, sadly... rock through the brain.

Good amount of progress. Bunch of common bedrooms furnished and in use. One set of noble bedrooms prepared for the Mayor. Couple of ballistas just put in place over the main gate, though no ammo yet.

I decided to put foodstuffs in the south tower, as it was a short dig to where I had a few existing farms. The farms are not in final locations; they'll get moved eventually. Added food stockpiles down there as well and started moving food away from the temporary camp. I also decided to wall in that area (and it will be a high wall) so that I can get logs, farm, etc. outdoors without worries of invaders. (Of course, if gobbos came now, I just gave them a back entrance.)

I did have one minor gobbo siege; my wrestlers pretty much dealt with them, though one received a serious arm injury and has been in bed for a while.

Point of Interest: Enemies, beware...

Ballistas!!! - mattmoss

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-01

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Submitted by: starcannon - 2009-11-01 to 303 Late Spring

I'm keeping an eye on this map.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2009-11/mattmoss-Elderstone-region1-304-40183.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
