The Barricade of Horns - 1052 Early Spring by schm0

Map Description:

Year 1.

Here is the initial future layout of the external portion of the fortress. A large portion of construction will be taking place outside before carving out the interior. I haven't had any goblin snatchers or created enough wealth to necessitate a seige, so my hope is to get a small militia up and running by the end of year 2. It looks like steel/adamantite are off the table until I dig deeper, so bronze armor will have to suffice for now.

A - These towers will have a few fortifications for emergency purposes but will most likely serve as storage for the trade depot. Access to these towers will be underground and further north.

B - These towers will allow access to dining and barracks facilities for the military at lower levels, and perhaps armor and weapons storage on the upper levels. There will be a good number of fortifications for secondary defense should the outer wall be breached. Two light x-bow squads assigned to these towers on a permanent basis, maybe three dwarfs each.

C - The trade depot will most likely go here.

D - A dry moat will provide a barrier to incoming forces for the two retractable bridges. If the fortress needs to go on shut-down mode, this bridge will be the last resort, locking the dwarfs in.

E - This external moat may be nothing more than carved out landscape, if you were to superimpose these plans on the existing terrain. Basically, the external wall should give the bowdwarfs enough time to pick off a few siegers while allowing all of the dwarfs to assemble inside the gates. Once the military is assembled, I can unleash them by lowering the bridge. The road extends straight south along the small ridge to the edge of the map, which will be brought one z-level down before exiting.

F - A heavy bowdwarf presence here will be the main defense. Once a siege occurs, this outer bridge will be the first to be shut. The only dwarfs venturing outside should be masons to build the road and trappers collecting caged wildlife and mechanics rearming the traps. There will be need for wood initially until I dig deep enough to get underground tree farming in place. Of course, this is after this monstrosity is actually built. (And even this will eventually stop once I've captured and tamed most ever type of local animal and built the road.)

G - Outdoor farms and windmills for power needs. Lower Z-levels on level with water will provide underground farms with a simple sewer system. All food production will take place mainly in the space between the inner and outer rings, in the z-levels between each type of farm. Livestock will also be stored, butchered and processed somewhere within this area. An emergency food, seed and livestock storage room will exist deeper in the fortress in the case of a complete lockdown.

H - The outer wall will only be one tile thick, but each level will contain a one-walled floor to save on masonry and allow dwarves to pass easily along the ramparts. The inner line of this wall is the innermost floor tile. I'm debating whether or not to extend the wall one more tile (thus, a two-tile wide interior) for safety's sake, but this will tentative plan will do for now.

A BBCode picture

Point of Interest: Front gates and towers

( 1052 → onwards )

This will be the main entrance to the fort. Future features will include a dry moat with a bridge. I'd engineer some water up here if it didn't freeze for a couple months out of the year. - schm0

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2010-10-21

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Submitted by: schm0 - 2010-08-18 - Removed

Submitted by: schm0 - 2010-10-21 to 1056 Early Spring

Well, this was my most epic fortress to date, but I'm forced to abandon due to design flaws. I'll keep my saves just in case.

Lessons learned:

* Large, external constructions are difficult to manage with my limited experience. Need to focus smaller, then expand outwards. Maybe a long external wall with to a tower for external defense.
* Balancing external construction efforts with fortress defense needs.
* Farming is mildly important, but little more than a single plot is needed for an early fortress. Food and meat can be plentiful through trade. Plan for below ground irrigation and place priority on getting underground farming up and running over the outdoors.
* Forges for metal crafting need to begin ASAP.
* Mining and masonry need to begin ASAP.
* Military training should begin as soon as the first migrant waves arrive.
* Get a road up ASAP.

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