Hold the fort! by mattmoss

Movie Description:

A single champion wrestler gets stuck outside after the main gate is closed. Rather than die, he leads the goblins to a forgotten breach, where he is joined by other dwarf warriors to hold back the siege.

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Submitted by: xpCynic - 2009-03-22

Now how in the world did you get him to do that? Shouldn't he have turned around and vainly tried to fight them?

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2009-03-22

He was probably hungry.

Submitted by: mattmoss - 2009-03-25

Nah, not hungry. Basically, he initially ran for the main gate because his squad's station point was just inside the gate, and through the main gate, I expect, was the shorter route.

Once the gate closed, he had only one option: to run to the breach in on the beach. I also had moved his squad's station point to that area, just before recording the movie.

I think the reason he ran rather than fight was because the squad was set to "stay close to station" rather than "chase enemies." Since he was so far from the station, he ran to get back in range.

[Message edited on 2009/03/25 at 03:05 by mattmoss]


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
