Restless Wounded Miner by schm0

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Check out the message spam this single dwarf is creating.

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Submitted by: Mister Six - 2007-11-25

I was having exactly this issue yesterday, with two dwarves. They were both dancing around in front of their respective beds trying to get a drink. And until one finally died of thirst, their messages would alternate so they wouldn't stack on the message screen, instead just generating page after page of notices. Somehow or another the surviving dwarf finally got into his bed and was brought some water. *Then* he started doing the crazy rest dance again, this time with his eat task, so I made a one square food stockpile near his room and I guess that worked because now he's going back to cancelling drinking instead, and now sleeping as well.

Edit: And now that I check, my surviving one at least is a yellow left hand injury too.

[Message edited on 2007/11/25 at 02:31 by Mister Six]

Submitted by: Antar - 2007-12-02

I have the same problem too in v0.27.169.33c whit 2 of my dwarves at different moment.
My 2 (hunters) have a yellow wound on arm and finish to starved and died by thirsty. No one come to give them some water and food (i have a lot of healthcaring and one who, in theory, make just this). They dance but never succed to take food or drink, and even if they succeed (For the second i assign a bed and put a barrel of food near. All close by a door so he cant go out) he never succed to eat the food.

But i see one time a dwarf give water and food for a third(also yelow on arm) who survive. (1 season and he heal)


Do you only see a blank space instead of a play button?
