There is only so much 5 FPS construction one can stand, so I decided to start a new fort in a more FPS friendly location, and decided to theme it.
This fort, when it is completed, will be a goblin prison POW camp.
I'm playing with the goblin family mod, which adds a bunch of different goblin races, so the g's in cages are goblins, they just don't have graphics.
I also modded in glass Beds, Bins and Barrels.
The fort started in 97 to whom it may interest.
I plan on trying to capture these guys and dumping them in their own sealed off room, and then dumping goblins in with them and watching the fireworks. I might mess with the raws a little to make them more interesting, since IIRC fire imps are like size 3, which isn't much 'fun'. (I would mod them BEFORE I tried to capture them, fyi, not that cage traps will fail) - Sinergistic
There are 14 comments for this map series, last post 2009-11-19
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Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-01-10 to 105 Early Spring
nice grand stair case! That must have been alot of channeling.
Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-01-10 to 105 Early Spring
Not really, no, I just channeled around the edges, and then collapsed it ^_^ (after locking my dwarfs up in their bedrooms and the food room)
It took several tries to get it to collapse, I kept pulling the level attached to the supports I had installed, and nothing would happen. I finally got it on the 4th attempt though, after completely channeling around the top level, and then collapsing that down on to the layers below.
Submitted by: magic dwarf - 2009-01-11 to 105 Early Spring
all of my *manual collapses* have ended in epic fail so far, I've lost many good miners trying to collapse things and I also managed to bust a hole in my ceiling causing magma to pour in!
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-01-13 to 107 Early Summer
Like woah
Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-01-13 to 107 Early Summer
"Like woah" - Markavian
So, uh, what bit of it was 'woah'? :P
Edit: I would also like you thank you for your amazing website. I've seen so many cool and inspiring forts since I started browsing it about 8-9 months ago. (didn't register until recently) It is a very awesome service, and a huge boon to the DF community.
[Message edited on 2009/01/13 at 11:22 by Sinergistic]
Submitted by: sneakeypete - 2009-01-14 to 107 Early Summer
What are all the B's in your cages?
Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-01-14 to 107 Early Summer
'Bugbears' part of the Goblin Family mod found here.
I tinkered with it a little to adapt it to the kind of fort I wanted (got rid of TRAPAVOID for one, because that just wouldn't work now, would it?). I also removed the [CANSPEAK] tag as well, which leads to all of them wanting me dead. Lots of sieges, lots of ambushes, lots of good times in the future with I begin work on the arenas.
I updated 'The Dungeon' point of interest with a little more info on what's in the cages.
[Message edited on 2009/01/15 at 12:04 by Sinergistic]
Submitted by: SiliconJesus - 2009-01-16 to 107 Early Summer
I've seen this tileset being used a lot lately, which one is it?
Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-01-16 to 107 Early Summer
I'm using a hand drawn copy of Dortens and whatever came with the mayday v16 set.
I'm still playing around with it and tweaking it to how I want it.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-01-17 to 107 Early Summer
Singergistic, you've hollowed out a huge cylinder with a walk way around the edge of each level. It looks fantasticly grand. And then there's the spiral dungeon on the ground floor. Its just epic proportions. A far cry from the single tunnel hovels that most people begin building.
And thanks for the kind words : )
Submitted by: Jebraltix - 2009-01-24 to 107 Early Summer
I haven't had too many problems with manual channeling. My worst problem probably is dealing with the unhappy thoughts of being knocked off your feet.
Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-01-29 to 105 Early Spring
I would just like to point out the historic 10,000th point of interest attributable to this map. Cheers everyone, I love what you've done for this site :)
Submitted by: Noble Digger - 2009-05-20 to 111 Mid Spring
Awesome! I love the look of the glass-furnished bedrooms with this tileset. The central shaft of chaotic stairway hell is also amazing, and the spirally area way down below.
Submitted by: Retro - 2009-11-19 to 111 Mid Spring
Very grand-looking fort. Has a nice, smooth feel to it - very much like the basis around the central pit / giant empty space.