Killerlobsters - 329 Early Summer by chuzzum

Map Description:

Fortress age: 19 years
Fortress size: 140 dwarves
Wealth: 2.4 million

The military is going well. I have 12 champions, 3-4 artifact weapons, and a couple of miscellaneous bits of artifact armor. Mid-term goals are to find the cave river and start an underground farm to supplement the aboveground one.

Point of Interest: Bedroom floor design

The finest in microcline art - chuzzum

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2009-02-17

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Submitted by: Duke - 2009-02-16 to 316 Early Winter

Not only do I like the layout of both the fortress proper and the temporary fortress, it gives me an idea. All that empty space in the entrance cave? Imagine that a pit. There would be an underground tower that leads to the fortress proper in the bedrock.
I must try this. Now.

Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2009-02-17 to 318 Early Summer

You should mine out around the adamantine, just to get an idea about the layout.

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-03/chuzzum-Killerlobsters-region10-329-13030.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
