Axegear - 1054 Mid Summer by Markavian

Map Description:

Axe gear has expanded! Into its third year, the site has grown into a deep tower centered around four roomy staircases.

Point of Interest: The windmill of death

The X's are scaffolding staircases built to help construction of the windmills. An entire slice of the cliff has been removed here in order to remove an overhang.

Sadly, it is also the site of a horrendous death. A child worker who was helping remove support flooring did so while kneeling on the floor he was detatching. As the final chisel hit, the child fell three floors into the spinning windmill and was found dead, the first casulty of the fort. Another dwarf, a carpenter, was fortunate to fall directly ontop of the windmill, but had to be let down by constructing a special ladder for him. - Markavian

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2008-08-20

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-11-08 to 1054 Mid Summer

Testing comments, in case a I broke them.

Wooh, multi-level fort! Go Axegear!

Submitted by: DDouble - 2007-12-11 to 1054 Early Autumn

What tileset is this?

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-15 to 1054 Early Autumn

Hi DDouble, its my own tileset called Solid Curses; you can get it from my user page on the wiki:

Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-12-15 to 1054 Early Autumn

Sinoth is working on a stunning 3D viewer for DF using data pulled from game memory using Xenofur's map extract tool.

Here are some rendered screen captures of my fort, Axegear: (Thanks sinoth!)

A view over the fortress valley
A view over the fortress valley

The extent of the underground mining
The extent of the underground mining

[Message edited on 2007/12/15 at 08:23 by Markavian]

Submitted by: John Williams - 2008-08-20 to 1054 Early Autumn

Pretty nice site, wants to see much more on it! :)

Viewer Controls


SHIFT + Key doubles keyboard scroll rate.


Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: Axegear-region1b-1054-16248.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
