Logo - Muckgrotto - 108 Early Spring by Logo

Map Description:

My map for the DFM2 Contest

Point of Interest: Project 5: Water Supply and Pool

The water to the north is drinkable and will automatically refill. the water to the south is for swimming and the levers can be used to control the amount of water in the pool. It's currently full because it looks nice and lags less. - Logo

There are 6 comments for this map series, last post 2016-09-08

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Submitted by: Lord_Shadow - 2009-10-11 to 108 Early Spring

what is your frame rate at

Submitted by: Logo - 2009-10-11 to 108 Early Spring

Running at 30 fps at the moment, my computer is fairly new.

Submitted by: Sinergistic - 2009-10-11 to 108 Early Spring

Oooh, very nice.

To bad about the water flowing in from the fortifications. Having a huge waterfall around that central tower would have been epic.

You could probably still do it, you would just need an intricate setup of pumps to remove excess water and pump it back up to the aquifer level. Would kill your FPS though.

Submitted by: Solifuge - 2009-10-11 to 108 Early Spring

Wow... I love that Grotto! That's honestly beautiful, and creates a really neat atmosphere for the underground section of the Fortress. Something about a city built over a flooded cavern evokes a really awesome image in my mind.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2009-10-12 to 108 Early Spring

Yes, wow... the grotto is certainly the crowning acheivement of the fort. Really gives a sense of outdoors deep beneath the ground.

Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2016-09-08 to 108 Early Spring

*gestures at the bridges in grotto*

I must say, I absolutely love the aesthetics of mid-air catwalks, even if their efficiency is worse the grander they are (especially if I make them most catwalky and 1-tile wide - though with staircases, can be several z tall path). Whenever I get a proper excuse, I build one :v

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Do you only see a blank space?

Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-10/logo-Muckgrotto-DFM2 - Muckgrotto - Logo-108-0.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
