Soapytowers the Useless Death of Angels - 33 Early Winter by LegoLord

Map Description:

Behold the Mighty Fortress of Soapytowers, constructed for the Soap tower Challenge! Or soon to be mighty, at least. Once we've trained up a military, and have metalworking and glass industries, and zoos, and . . .

Alas, of the divine blessing that Armok granted to the founders, we have run out. No longer can we conjure soap from air and walk faster than a cheetah runs. The blessing was solely for constructing the bubbles, and that we have done. And despite this blessing, one among the founders died anyway due to a construction accident. This has not been without its challenges.

-Ingish Bellmute, Clerk.

Point of Interest: What did you do?

( 33 Early Winter → onwards )

Quote from Dan McUrist: "What did you do?!!! Ah, let go of me! You're made of soap! He's turned everything into soa-" *wack* *explode into gore*

We were sure that the moment he began to understand everything was made of soap, he'd go berserk.

Maybe making all the furniture from soap wasn't such a good idea. - LegoLord

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2009-12-14

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Submitted by: ClsfdKidd - 2009-12-14 to 33 Early Winter

Now this is not dwarvish at all! What heathens would create such a monstrosity!

BTW, Completely Awesome Idea!

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Don't have Flash?
You can download the compressed map file: 2009-12/legolord-Soapytowers the Usel-region1-33-32042.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
