Zikeltarmid, "The Fierce Blade" - 1051 Early Autumn by schm0

Map Description:

I have dug out the main entranceway and foyer. Dining room is next on the slate to be produced, and then bedrooms.

After that, securing some areas for underground farming, drainage, sewers, access tunnels and of course, a barracks. Setting off some areas for recreation might go well, as well as my stables and a jail.

I'm not sure where to put stone production at the moment, as the best plans seem to be to use/build with all the stone I can and move my mason's workshops accordingly.

Point of Interest: Entranceway

Those lakes don't dry up, and I've been tracking mud all over the place. I spent the next couple of months reflooring it all. - schm0

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2007-11-26

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2007-11-26 to 1051 Early Autumn

Will there be a skylight in the foyer to make it into an atrium?

Submitted by: schm0 - 2007-11-26 to 1051 Early Autumn

An excellent suggestion. Sounds good to me... but I'm not sure what plans there are for my Z-Level +1 at the moment... Most likely such an idea would not interfere.

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You can download the compressed map file: The Fierce Blade-region1-1051-20161.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
