Moontayle DFM3 - 559 Early Spring by moontayle

Map Description:

This is the map that is being submitted for the DFM3 contest. On the whole this was a very enjoyable experience and it even allowed me to do a few things I had never done before. Please check out the points of interest to see more information about what I did.

Point of Interest: Toady Project - Top Level - King's Rooms

The piece d'resistance of my fort, a four level structure built in the magma vent area.

The top level is the King's Room and they are extravagant beyond words. Each piece of furniture is made of Raw Adamantium and the bed is an Artifact made out of Raw Adamantium. Each room is walled in with Green Glass Windows from which a pump stack pumps up Magma and filters it around the overall structure making it a place worthy of Toady. - moontayle

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You can download the compressed map file: 2010-06/moontayle-Workeddriven-DFM3.1 Embark-559-0.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
