Angzas - Redcrystal - 207 Mid Autumn by Nyst

Map Description:

The first fort where I actually managed to survive winters, migrants, nobles, the economy and sieges, and finally managed to get some actual architecture in.

Also built on a map with no trees, no water, barely any life and nothing but sand and aquifier. For Fun.

Point of Interest: Military quarter

Here the military arm of the fortress eat, sleeps and trains. They have their own dining room and food stockpile, as well as weapon, armour and ammo stockpiles above them. The barracks now also house a lot of empoverished dwarves since the economy kicked in, while more affordable bedrooms are being created. The military is situated directly above the centre of the fortress, allowing them quick access to vital areas. The archery range has fortifications allowing marksdwarves to shoot at anything in the entry corridor. The only way in and out of the prison is also through here. - Nyst

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2010-11-06

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2010-07-25 to 207 Mid Autumn

All good, thanks for the tour of Angzas, I shall visit again soon!

Submitted by: A humble advisor - 2010-11-06 to 207 Mid Autumn

You said you were thinking about how to improve the throne room, here are some ideas...
-Patterned channels of magma
-Make the throne room extend up a moderatly long tunnel from the two sides of the "top" of the room(witch you allow acess to through long twisting routes cut into the walls) leading to the middle one that expands as it rises while going back (while the other two go forward) and houses the throne

Submitted by: A humble advisor - 2010-11-06 to 207 Mid Autumn
Diagram I made is here

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You can download the compressed map file: 2010-07/nyst-Redcrystal-nystfort-207-23746.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
