Waytin - 1058 Early Spring by msallen

Map Description:

I have a bunch of important work to do today, which means that I have been playing Dwarf Fortress and procrastinating. I find myself now at the end of my second year, with considerable progress being made. This is, without a doubt, my most successful fortress in terms of engineering, military, and industrial accomplishments.

This map shows my indoor dorm towers are nearly complete, with dining commons and temporary workshops on the first floor and 3 planned floors of housing above that. I probably should have made them bigger, as they only house 36 units in total. But thats fine with me for the time being. I still have a number of barracks in place.

I have also moved my kitchens into the large chamber at the base of the dorms. There is probably far more space than needed in this chamber... previously I had been running out of space for foodstuff, but I began condensing them into roasts (lavish meals). There is a butcher here with space for corpse storage, but I am not sure if the stockpile is correct. What refuse needs to be active to store corpes and only corpses in a pile?

The area that was previously the kitchen has now been converted into military barracks with an archery range... a first for me. My little peasants that were conscripted have been practicing diligently, and just after this map was taken I got my first marksdwarf. The progress of my military has been limited, however, because now two unskilled dwarves who had been conscripted were taken by a fey mood. Is my fortress full of conscience objectors?

Finally, I just completed and flooded my first indoor farming chamber. I didn't have any soil and I have no practice with floodgates and such, so I wasn't sure how this would work. I did eventually realize that the safest way to tunnel to the river was to wait until it had frozen. After the thaw, I flooded the repository and my first farming room. It is now covered with 1/7 water, which I understand is right where I want it.

Point of Interest: military barracks

Here they are! I am going to move the craftsdwarfs workshop out of here soon after the deranged soldier completes his artifact here. I will also build some walls in here and add some beds so the soldiers do not have to go back to their rooms for sleep. They do appear to be practicing at my archery range, which is wonderful. My first few military recruits are going to be marksdwarves with 2 war dog escorts. I have no military experience, but that seems to be like a good place to start. - msallen

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-01-03

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Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-01-03 to 1057 Early Spring

Looks like a good start so far. We set our own challenges in the game, and I think for new players, the least of their worries should be farming. There seem to be less dangerous places to start in, access to outside areas seems unrestricted so far. Your plans look good, I'm hopeful they will turn out well.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-01-03 to 1058 Early Spring

Liking the dorm towers ^_^, very neat and tidy. Good layout. No windows?

Submitted by: msallen - 2008-01-03 to 1057 Early Spring

Yeah, I know I'm still just learning the game so I don't feel like I have to make things too complicated. But it is nice to get some of the basics of engineering and indoor farming down. Now that I have finally let go of the fact that my dwarves will die, and over half of my dwarves will be idle, its much more fun.

Oh, and windows are on the way. I've also never done any of the furnace related construction, so thats my next step.

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