Furyhammer - Thusestnil - 134 Mid Spring by ExJato

Map Description:

This is Furyhammer. It is carved from the mountain by The Roughness of Polishing of the dwarfen civilisation The Relic of Ashes. It is located on a volcano on different biomes including some terrifying landscape. The terrifying part is actually not that terryfying - No undead just some elfblood rain. Apart from some Giant Badgers and the usual Goblin raids it is actually pretty peaceful, after some of the larger wildlife was caged and tamed.

Point of Interest: The Beginnings

These are the first rooms of Furyhammer. The Food preparation and one dining hall in the hilltop will stay here. On the outside are some pastures and training sites as well as the trade depot. - ExJato

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2015-09-21

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Submitted by: grisha5 - 2015-09-21 to 134 Mid Spring

hi, cool fort, i love the dome.

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