Burnkegs - 136 Early Spring by Salmeuk

Map Description:

End of the first year! This is a serene biome, with an apparently high density of kangaroos. Things won't be serene for long, however, since I settled nearby one of the largest gobbo populations in the world.

Currently sitting at 13 dwarves, though I expect plenty more in the next wave of migrants. I need to start soldier training.

I'm experimenting with major terraforming here, and hope to build some nice glass domes over these limestone circles. I also have a few smaller circles planned, around some yet-to-be-grown peach trees.

Quite a bit has been done for just one year.

At one point, a giant olm attacked via the first cavern. It's meager bites failed to do much of anything, and after a few lame engagements it ran all the way to the surface and escaped off the map. I like to think that it's still scurrying about ineffectively, harassing the local population of kangaroos.

Point of Interest: First Cavern

Nothing too exciting here. Completely sealed off, thankfully. - Salmeuk

There are 1 comments for this map series, last post 2016-08-21

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Submitted by: Tharis - 2016-08-21 to 136 Early Spring

Domes! I like the farm design, it's pretty and symmetrical. And having a natural circle of limestone is a nice touch. Good luck with the goblins. My experience was that producing glass in bulk was a pain, but the results can look nice.

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