Deathgame-Deathgame - 503 Early Spring by Fleeting Frames

Map Description:

The state of the succession fortress of Deathgame, of dwarves of The Faint Ring hailing from the Doors of evening, led for the third year by Fleeting Frames.

POIs maybe added later.

Point of Interest: Dodge training

( 503 Early Spring → onwards )

Here, our military learned how to dodge. Each of the rollers is set to lowest setting, and the pressure plate upwest controls whether they're powered. Multiple airlocks and food and drink supply to ensure that only desired squad starts jumping.

Takes a month, but does output legendary dodgers. I guess they'll have to learn armor and shield use in live combat, though.

The doors here rest on downward slopes rather than floors - this stops them from being ever opened or jammed open, though access could also be gained from above with making one of roller tiles ramps. - Fleeting Frames

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2016-09-11

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Submitted by: Salmeuk - 2016-09-05 to 503 Early Spring

That dodge training is completely new to me, awesome

though it is too bad about the venom

Submitted by: Fleeting Frames - 2016-09-11 to 503 Early Spring

Yeah. Completed in summer (slow architects), it yields somewhere around 1k exp per day per dwarf (being very consistent). It takes longer to max out all five (Agility, Endurance, Toughness, Spatial Sense, Kinesthetic Sense), though. Many dwarfves have 4400-4900 caps.

Additional time is incurred to get all the military to station inside 1 room (sleep/eat/pray/etc.). There's also some fiddling with minecarts when they won't move to pick few of them up; this is generally solved by mass-forbidding them, letting them give a job cancellation, then reclaiming.

This implementation is decent for stat training citizens of preexisting fortress. It's technically child, sleeping citizen and pet-safe, but multiple people in one box gives only ~15% exp and 0,5% in armor user/something else iirc. In a new fortress, might want to make it the only way in instead though.

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You can download the compressed map file: 2016-09/fleetingframes-Deathgame-Deathgame-503-2.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
