Ice Fortress - 1069 Mid Spring by skatc

Map Description:

Far in the arctic wasteland, sheltered from the constant snowstorms, Mountainhome Uzolemal is home to King Dishmabbufut, 200 stout dwarves, and several dozen rhesus macaques.

Point of Interest: Barracks

So many sparring injuries have occured here over the years.. just ask 'Puncturewound' Ilushatir, or 'Braindamage' Anrizkol. For years the Royal Guards have been strict wrestlers. In plate armor. With shields. But the King's guard doesn't play by these rules... - skatc

There are 5 comments for this map series, last post 2008-04-19

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Submitted by: Anymouse - 2008-04-16 to 1069 Mid Spring

How did you manage to farm on ice? I started an ice fortress, and haven't figured it out yet.

Submitted by: skatc - 2008-04-17 to 1069 Mid Spring

I was lucky and had patches of sand here and there on the first few floors, making farming easy. I never tried farming aboveground, although there seemed to be plenty of plants for my gatherers to collect out there which I could presumably have grown.

Submitted by: skatc - 2008-04-17 to 1069 Mid Spring

I abandoned this fortress and came back in adventure mode to take a better look at the engravings. There were no sign of the dwarves, just dead dogs and horses everywhere. I managed to loot coins, crafts and a legendary copper shoe, then wandered down to the zoo. The small cages with fireflies and lizards were still intact, but the gobbos and colossus were gone. I turned back out to the halls and just a few steps later I got a message that I was speaking to a bronze colossus (the one from the zoo??). It didn't seem to have much to say; the chat ended and he ran up from behind me. My adventurer had time to throw the legendary shoe at it in a vain attempt to distract it, before the colossus broke both her arms and rammed her skull down into her chest. I guess the ice fortress has a guardian...

Submitted by: Anymouse - 2008-04-18 to 1069 Mid Spring

Damn, an unchained colossus wandering around in an abandoned ice fortress deep in an arctic wasteland is a pretty cool image. I gotta try adventure mode sometime.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-04-19 to 1069 Mid Spring

Woah, its so pretty... all that blueness x.x

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