Tombfortunes-P3lb0xandGI - 1054 Early Spring by p3lb0x and skiv

Point of Interest: Foresting area

Where I want the forests to grow and be able to harvest them without zombie goats attacking my dorfs - P3lb0x

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-07-06

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Submitted by: p3lb0x - 2008-06-21 to 1052 Early Spring

Watch out for zombie mountain goats Skiv

Submitted by: Skiv - 2008-07-03 to 1055 Early Spring

Year 1055, Liason Skiv captured Wild Bronze Collosus without any casualties :P I'M SO PROUD OF MY SELF!! :P

Submitted by: p3lb0x - 2008-07-06 to 1057 Early Spring
Right here Skiv

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You can download the compressed map file: 2008-06/p3lb0x-Tombfortunes-Giandp3lb0x-1054-3.fdf-map but you will need the .NET version of SL's DF Map Compressor to convert to the .PNG image format.
