Ripelance - 204 Early Spring by msallen

Map Description:

My second year was uneventful, with little more than infrastructure improvements. I've killed all goblin and kobold visitors, probably postponing any raids or ambushes. My trade is still almost entirely in prepared foods, which my farmers and hunters provide for adequately. I did build a military clad entirely in iron plate and trained in wrestling, armor wearing, and gradually crossbows. Unfortunately, even though my armor crafter was taken by a mood and made an artifact buckler, he didn't get legendary armorsmithing. Bummer.

Point of Interest: tombs

A fey-possessed leatherworker went mad when I couldn't provide him with thread in a timely manner. So I started on my tombs so that he would have a place to rest when he died, and now he is entombed comfortable here. - msallen

There are 3 comments for this map series, last post 2008-09-12

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Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-09-04 to 204 Early Spring

It looks like your surface fort was just a carved out peak.

Submitted by: msallen - 2008-09-04 to 203 Early Spring

Yup. I just removed all the upward ramps, smoothed off the top, and build walls around it. I describe it in the 203 POI.

Submitted by: Markavian - 2008-09-12 to 205 Early Spring

I see roads

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