Glidreerbis - 205 Early Spring by Yojimbo

Map Description:

Kobold Camp

Point of Interest: Storage

Here is where all the valuables (meat and drink mostly) are kept. Again not much organization but it keeps things from being stolen or ruined by the rain. - Yojimbo

There are 2 comments for this map series, last post 2008-11-24

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Submitted by: Yojimbo - 2008-11-24 to 205 Early Spring

Enjoying the Kobold Camp mod and thought I would show what has been happening so far. It was a very rough start. Got a few immigrants in and had 10 kobolds, then the carp got interested and lost 2, then the grizzly bear showed up and lost 2 more and then the elves showed up and lost on more. Was down to just 5 scrawny little kobolds trying desperately to not be noticed by anything larger than a rabbit. Managed to finish the first long house and at least had a place to hide and things started to turn around. First couple of shooters managed to clear the worst of the carp out and the soon to be warrior chief solved the bear problem. Once the local hazards were not so hazardous the natural reproductive nature of kobolds took over. They dont get many immigrants (not many survive the journey I am guessing) but they more than make up for it with homegrown population. Almost half the total population of 78 is pups. Will have to spread out soon. Maybe another camp on the other side of the stream.

Submitted by: Dakira - 2008-11-24 to 205 Early Spring

That's quite a camp village you have there. I really liked the underground parts of the camp and I'd like to see what happens when they expand over the river.

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