DF Map Archive

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Comments: 4

Submitted: 2008-04-26 (View movie)

Uh... since your FPS is running at 300 cap, as opposed to the 100 that DF records, the time difference is easily explained.

Submitted: 2008-01-08 (View map)

heh, yea, that'd be an important setting :P
The radial veining is definitely interesting.
it makes a lot of sense though, that way you would indeed always end up opening up the pits if you get greedy.

Submitted: 2008-01-08 (View map)

Sorry, the memory.ini's are on Rick's main page, not talk.

Submitted: 2008-01-08 (View map)

Use the memory.ini settings on Rick's Talk page.
Or use a non-revealed map and simply don't mine out the adamantine itself, just the tiles around it.

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