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Comments: 3

Submitted: 2007-09-27 (View map)

The first immigrants (since the metalsmith) have arrived; all 21 of them. x_x Jesus.
I wonder if I should attempt to keep them outside the fortress, or just drown them in the water trap. If one of them has a pick, I might be tempted to have them carve out their own little society down the mountainside some. :P

Submitted: 2007-09-20 (View map)

Well. I tried to upload the next map, but it says that is about 4 KB over a maximum map size. O_o;
I've cleaned up the fortress, killing all the monsters around, including 2 demons (there was a total of 8, then), and set all my dwarves back to civilians and am trying to get them to clean up. They don't really seem to want to pick up mining picks or axes, oddly enough. Ah well....
I'm a firm believer in the few rather than the many thanks to Hosus.

Submitted: 2007-09-20 (View map)

I'll edit the posts with images (I think I made one other besides this one) with that, thanks. I fully intend to reclaim this one, if for nothing more than to give Hosus a proper burial and kill the last demons.

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