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Comments: 3

Submitted: 2009-07-08 (View movie)

When I saw how far in it was when the cages were opened I thought the goblins would just gangrape the dwarves in 2 seconds, then you'd have some boring looking around at the end.

They don't waste time when there's killing to be done, do they?

Submitted: 2009-07-08 (View movie)

I like how she throws the goblins around and sends them flying across the room.

It surprises me how gruesome ASCII gore can actually be, presumable since it leaves it all to your imagination. It looked pretty gory at 2:01 when a goblin went flying into the south wall and splattered.

Submitted: 2009-04-28 (View movie)

Nice. I have very little experience with this game, do the spectators get happy/unhappy thoughts seeing the carnage?

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